The SPSC Heist

SPSC Exams

Originally published in The Nation on April 10, 2017

The ever-raging (and justifiable) debate surrounding cogency of the Two Nation Theory and the Islamic/Secular Pakistan muddle aside, the emphasis laid by our founding father on the great responsibility the civil services of the nation are entrusted with is without dispute. Recognising civil services as the fuel that would power Pakistan’s administrative, diplomatic, and economic engines, the Quaid called for the nation’s bureaucracy to make no political affiliations, to follow the will of the leader in light of the constitution, and to serve the people while maintaining “the highest standard of honour, integrity, justice and fair-play.”

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Vanishing Acts

Originally published in The Nation on January 17, 2017

Vanishing acts that would put Houdini’s most masterful work to shame have once again dawned upon the land of the pure. Poof! That’s how some of the most well-known proponents of free speech and human rights activists in the country have disappeared into thin air: alien abduction comes to mind, but the pattern suggests the works of more sinister forces that do not wish critical thinking to become national practice.

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